Joshua Richards

About Joshua Richards

Hey there! I'm Joshua. My journey into the world of web development started pretty early. At 15, I began exploring the magic of the web and by 16, I launched my own web-based game. What began as a simple project turned into something much larger than I'd ever imagined, gaining tens of thousands of users and becoming my primary source of income for a good five years. During this time, I dived deep into languages like PHP, SQL, Javascript, and jQuery, teaching myself the ins and outs.

With years of experience in the realm of web development, I've dedicated myself to providing businesses with web solutions that not only look great but also function seamlessly. My commitment is to remove the complexities of web development for my clients, offering a streamlined, hassle-free experience from conception to completion.

Though I haven't collected any awards (yet!), my real reward is seeing the tangible impact of the solutions I've created, especially in the healthcare IT space. When I'm not coding or working on IT projects, you'll find me engrossed in some form of study or personal development.

My dream? To bring healthcare IT up to speed. I genuinely believe there's so much more we can do in this space, and I hope to be at the forefront of this change.

2006 - 2011: The Start of It All

I launched my web-based game at 16. It was more than just a game; it was my playground to learn and experiment. I self-taught myself various web development languages and honed my skills over time.

2015: My NHS Journey Begins

I started with the NHS in various roles, eventually finding my place in the logistics department. Here, I saw first-hand some of the inefficiencies and gaps in the system. So, I began working on projects to automate and enhance workflows, like the automated staff training & competency tracking.

2017: Making a Difference in the Lab

During my time in the lab, I developed a sample filing system that got immediately adopted and became the new standard for the University Hospitals of Leicester trust. To think that a system I designed has filed over 6 million samples feels pretty surreal.

2020: Pathology IT & More

In 2020, I moved to Pathology IT, where I developed an inventory management system. I also worked on FCON, which transferred results from one analyzer into StarLIMS. Learning the StarLIMS scripting language on the job, I was able to push the boundaries of what we could achieve with our systems. Within a year, I was offered a senior role and had the chance to create PathDesk, an IT ticketing solution I'm particularly proud of.

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